Thursday, January 9, 2025

You'll own nothing and be happy

Please read the message below from our sponsor, Vulnerable People Project.

Dear Fellow Patriot,

"Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better"

If you thought globalists would scatter like cockroaches after President Trump's resounding victory in November, I'm afraid I have bad news.

Just three weeks after the election, Former United States Secretary of State John Kerry went to a Harvard forum to declare:

"We're on the brink of needing to declare a climate emergency.

"And we need to get people to behave as if this really is a major transitional challenge to the whole planet, to everybody."

Kerry, World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab, and their cabal of global elites will stop at nothing to get "stupid" Americans like you and me to "behave."

My name is Jason Jones, and I'm the founder and president of the Vulnerable People Project (VPP) and author of The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset.

I'm afraid this dystopian nightmare could become a reality without your action today.

Will you please sign your PROTECT AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY Petition to President Trump right away?

As you'll see, this petition simply insists President Trump:

>>> RESCIND globalist Executive Orders issued by the Biden-Harris Administration including the Paris Agreement which destroys American jobs with no measurable benefit; and

>>> REJECT any schemes that would sacrifice American sovereignty to the likes of Klaus Schwab and his globalist cabal including the World Health Organization's (WHO) so-called "Pandemic Treaty" which would make the COVID-19 lockdowns we experienced in 2020 look like child's play.

In my book, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset, I lay out the scope of the Global Elites' full-scale attack on humanity.

Their goals can be summed up by the quote I shared with you at the beginning of this email.

Not only will you "own nothing and be happy," but your basic rights to privacy and free speech will go up in smoke.

Just look at what's happening in other Western countries.

In the United Kingdom, you can now be arrested for sharing the "wrong" opinions on social media.

In Canada, you can have your bank accounts frozen for peacefully protesting illegal lockdowns.

Centuries-old churches are being vandalized and "no-go zones" are popping up across Europe.

And anyone who dares speak up against it is tarred as "racist."

The only thing left standing in the way of the Global Elites' plan to trample human rights are American patriots like you and me.

That's why I'm counting on your action and support today.

I'm an Army Veteran, Hollywood Film Producer, and proud father of six.

I enlisted in the Army when I was 17, hoping to provide for my pregnant high school girlfriend and our unborn baby girl.

After my girlfriend's father forced her to abort our child, I vowed never to stand by and allow innocent children to die.

This is what led me to speak against abortion as a leader in the Pro-Life Movement, write and produce award-winning films for movie audiences to see the dignity and value of every human person – no matter how small or "inconvenient" – and, eventually, start the Vulnerable People Project.

My work as president of the Vulnerable People Project has taken me to help the most vulnerable people in the world, including:

*** Americans and our allies in Afghanistan that were being hunted down by the Taliban after the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal in 2021. VPP conducted rescue evacuations and set up safe houses;

*** Nigerian Christians who are being kidnapped for ransom and killed. In fact, more Christians are killed for their faith in Nigeria each year than everywhere else in the world combined. VPP has helped pay for security guards and equipment so fellow Christians can enjoy corporate worship in peace;

*** Sudanese children who are literally picking leaves off bushes just to keep their stomachs full enough to stay alive. VPP's partners on the ground have delivered emergency rations to save the lives of hundreds of children; and

*** Christians in Gaza, who are sadly caught in the middle of the Israel-Hamas war. Several of these Christian families trace their roots back to the very first Christians. VPP has helped evacuate pregnant mothers and the elderly and deliver supplies for those who refuse to give up their ancestral homes.

Now, I'm afraid some of the horror stories I've witnessed first-hand could be coming to American shores if the Global Elite get their way.

Quite frankly, some of the worst human atrocities in human history have come at the hands of elites trying to impose their globalist "utopia."

That's why your IMMEDIATE action couldn't be more critical.

Will you help me stand against the Global Elite's "Great Reset" Agenda by signing your PROTECT AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY PETITION right away?

After you sign your name, I hope you'll please agree to a generous tax-deductible gift to support our work at the Vulnerable People Project.

And if you agree to a gift of $25 or more today, I'll send you a copy of my book, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset!


Jason Jones
Founder of the Vulnerable People Project & Movie to Movement
Author of The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset
Host of The Jason Jones Show
Producer of Divided Hearts of America

P.S. Despite President Trump's victory in November, the cabal of Global Elites is doubling down on their "Great Reset" agenda.

Will you please sign your PROTECT AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY PETITION urging President Trump to RESCIND Biden's globalist Executive Orders and REJECT any schemes that would sacrifice American sovereignty?

After you sign your name, please agree to a generous tax-deductible gift to the Vulnerable People Project right away. If you give $25 or more, I'll send you a copy of my book, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset!

The Vulnerable People Project is a project of H.E.R.O. Inc, a not-for-profit 501(C)(3) organization.
HERO Inc – 117A Packerland Drive, Green Bay, WI 54303

© 2025 12-Gauge Media
3575 Bridge Rd, Suite 8 #262
Suffolk, VA 23435
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