Thursday, August 18, 2022

Make the healthy choice the easy choice


With summer coming to an end and the new school year quickly approaching, I know that families all over the country are getting ready for everything that comes with this busy time of year.

Many of us are juggling new routines, new teachers, and new schools. It can be challenging to keep nutrition top-of-mind for my own family and I'm sure many of you have the same concern. But making the healthy choice CAN be the easy choice.

Children at lunch laughing - the blue and red PHA logo is in the upper-right corner

Here are three ways to make feeding your family easier:

  1. Use frozen food to keep packed lunches chilled. Try packing yogurt or frozen fruit in your kid's lunch (or your own) - these nutritious foods can work double duty to keep food cold.
  2. Plan ahead for leftovers. My kids want to eat their favorite foods often so when I find a dish they love, I'll make extra so I know I have something on hand for a quick dinner or a packed lunch later in the week.
  3. Stay creative in the kitchen to make mealtime fun for everyone. However, that doesn't mean you're on your own! If you ever run out of creative meal ideas, check out our recipes page here - we keep it updated with lots of easy, fun, and nutritious recipes to follow-along with.

I hope these ideas are helpful as you're feeding your family during this busy time of year and all year long. Follow us on social media for more tips and tricks for making the healthy choice the easy choice:

Best wishes for starting the school year off right,

Headshot of Jason Wilson

Jason Wilson
Head of Communications
Partnership for a Healthier America

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P.O. Box 1200 | Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678-9998
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 Partnership for a Healthier America is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 

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