Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fighting back against “Bidenomics” with one move that has Democrats in a cold sweat

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McDonald's CEO made a big announcement after fans gave him this scary message

Far-left Mayor asked one question during a debate that will make you lose faith in humanity

Chris Cuomo delivered one report with a straight face that will have you spitting out your coffee

Whenever a major event occurs these days, the corporate media often rushes to create a narrative.

This often happens before the American public has any idea about what is really going on.

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Jack Smith blew a gasket after Florida threw him this nasty curveball

MSNBC used one sentence to describe Trump that will have your jaw on the floor

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fighting back against "Bidenomics" with one move that has Democrats in a cold sweat

Democrats and their media allies despised Sarah Huckabee Sanders throughout her time as Donald Trump's Press Secretary.

They hate her even more now that she's the Governor of Arkansas.

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