Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Joe Biden dared the Supreme Court to stop this awful illegal order

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Joe Biden was at a loss for words when this electric vehicle darling gave him scary news

Jay Leno just dropped a truth bomb on the "woke" mob

A tennis star was speechless after this attack on Ron DeSantis blew up in her face

Ron DeSantis is used to having the Left trying to pick a fight with him.

It usually does not end up going well for them.

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One woman just got the word about being Donald Trump's Vice President

Alina Habba looked on in horror as Trump's judge made this horrible scene in court

Joe Biden dared the Supreme Court to stop this awful illegal order

Joe Biden continues to act as the most lawless President in American history.

Biden's abuses of power and Constitution shredding actions are a true danger to America's foundational principles.

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