Friday, June 28, 2024

First Lady Jill Biden just got blasted for this one disgusting action

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Barbara Streisand saw one video of Joe Biden and had this jaw-dropping reaction

Barack Obama was speechless when a top fundraiser betrayed him for one shocking reason

Michigan Democrat attacked Trump until she was forced to make a stunning admission on video

Democrats and media accomplices were chomping at the bit to see Donald Trump convicted of a crime regardless of the facts.

But it hasn't had the desired effect because the public sees it all as a political gotcha game.

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Biden's radical Judge just punished a middle-schooler for the most absurd reason ever

Joe Biden's link to this woman's murder will leave you speechless

First Lady Jill Biden just got blasted for this one disgusting action

Jill Biden has become one of the most controversial First Ladies of all-time.

But now Jill Biden has crossed another line.

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