Sunday, June 30, 2024

Donald Trump was just hit with some bad news about Barron Trump

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Ford is facing a huge revolt after making one wrong move with electric vehicles

Blue State Democrat caught misusing campaign funds for something that will turn every head

Leftists were stunned when actresses refused to play one "woke" role

The arts have long been dominated by liberals.

But far-left radicals are ruining the arts at breakneck speed.

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Matthew McConaughey made this scary confession about retiring from Hollywood.

An undercover video just caught this so-called pro-life Republican admitting that he supports abortion-on-demand

Donald Trump was just hit with some bad news about Barron Trump

Polls today show that Donald Trump is likely to be the next President.

But people get caught up in the political world and forget that Trump is also the proud father of an 18-year-old son.

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